Spreading Out
Basis Gallery Herzliya, 2017 group
Curator: Shlomit Breuer
Literally, spreading out means to open, extend over a large area, or unfold. The supposedly generous gesture of laying open, exposing material or ideational spaces is in many cases no more than a functional semblance, which results in visual as well as cultural and political flatness. Thus, for example, in a common and well-known practice such as mapping, graphic means and technological aids are used to create a purportedly realistic spatial representation. However, in this instance, although the extraction of a three-dimensional image from a two-dimensional abstract surface lends the latter a seemingly scientific-objective actuality, more often than not it serves heteronymous purposes.
Doron Fishbein's work, 64 Mediterranean Permutations, consists of three cubes rotating around one central axis. The varying positions of the painted vertical facets combine into 64 different images. These images deal with social-cultural Mediterranean/Israeli apparati, whereas their mechanistic visuality alludes to control mechanism.
In the work Implosion, Doron Fishbein presents a cross-like origami net of a black box. Spread on the lower inner facet of this iconic shape, is Édouard Manet’s Dead Toreador. It seems therefore that closing the box would bury the toreador in a black “coffin,” transforming him from a victimizer to a victim.
